Reduced heating costs

Energy prices tend to increase, and there is no easy way to raise the growing concern about climate change. In cold Finland this means continuous growth in heating costs, but fortunately we can influence this.

The most effective way to reduce heating costs is to reduce the amount of energy purchased. In apartment buildings, it is best achieved with extracted air heat recovery (PILP) and geothermal heat (MLP). First we reduce the amount of waste heat from the extracted air. Concurrently we utilize the heat of the soil again. When done in the right way, with intelligent automation and overall management, the heating costs can be halved.

This is why Smart Heating Oy was established.

Lämmön talteenotto poistoilmasta energiaremontilla - projekteja yhteensä


Poistoilman lämmöntalteenotto kerrostaloja remontoitu yhteensä


PILP / lämmön talteenotto laitteita asennettu


Lämmön talteenotto poistoilmasta vaikuttaa näin moneen asuntoon ja säästää energiaa


Total Delivery and Liability

When the provider of the hybrid heating system knows what he is doing and trusts himself he can guarantee the customer efficient energy. This guarantee is based on functional references in which the hybrid system's performance is accurately measured.

Smart Heating Oy's guarantee is a promise as to the functionality of the hybrid heating system. The output and efficiency of the heat recovery of the extracted air and the geothermal energy are recorded in the works contract with a separate guarantee clause guaranteeing the customer a genuine and safe investment.

Customer Testimonials


Current News

Customer Experience video – As. Oy. Näsipuisto, Tampere

We released a new customer experience video.


Ilmastokumppani Tampereen seudulla - Säästetään energiaa lämmön talteenotolla